Services > Asset Tracing
Asset Tracing
Asset Tracing
Successful enforcement against debtors requires the knowledge of their financial situation and their assets. This requires professional research both domestically and abroad because debtors use a multitude of ways to hide their assets.
Asset Tracing Concept (ATC)
Wirtschaftsdienste Peter Schmid has developed its own Asset Tracing Concept (ATC). This is based on years of experience in which we worked on many national and international cases. The ATC includes an analysis of the debtor's history all the way to his current personal and professional circles. It also considers economic and legal peculiarities of the countries in which assets are presumed to be.
In this research we use a wide range of investigative methods, which we don't want to list for tactical reasons. This way, we can uncover assets of substantial value every year.
Research before filing a lawsuit
Before filing an expensive lawsuit, it often makes sense to get a picture of the debtor's financial situation to be able to weigh the probability of the subsequent enforcement.
Investigation of debtor's environment
It happens again and again that debtors have no assets in their own name. For these cases, the Asset Tracing Concepts includes a strategy to investigate the debtor's environment to find out of debts could be paid.
International specialists
Wirtschaftsdienste Peter Schmid has built up a specialized network of partners, particularly in countries where assets are typically moved to, like Switzerland, Spain, South Africa, USA, Latin America and the Caribbean. With their help we can trace hidden assets. This includes law firms in these countries who deal with these kind of cases.